Today, as many Americans live longer (well into our 80s and 90s) wise food choices play an important role in our health. Focusing on quality—not quantity—of food selections is important.
Older adults require fewer calories but more nutrients; and more nutrient-rich foods containing potassium, calcium, minerals, fiber, vitamin D, and vitamin B12 are necessary for a healthy senior diet.
Chuck Newcomb, Consulting Dietitian/Nutritionist of Sourcewise, states, “Getting vitamins and minerals from food is best. These include colorful vegetables, whole fruits, legumes, low-fat meats, and fish.” Chuck provides education about nutritious food choices to the community via Sourcewise and Senior Nutrition Programs.
A resource for selecting smart food choices from all food groups in order to maintain a healthy, balanced diet is available online, visit
Older adults on fixed incomes often find it difficult to purchase healthy, nutritious foods. Congregate meal sites at senior and community centers are available throughout Santa Clara County; as well as food assistance programs including the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program; and home-delivered meals programs like Meals on Wheels.
Clients of Meals on Wheels receive home-delivered meals that follow dietary requirements for seniors. A registered dietitian develops menus to meet the daily nutritional needs of senior adults.
To learn more about Meals on Wheels of Sourcewise, call: (408) 350-3200, option 1.