Community Resource Specialists are available between 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. M-F at (408) 350-3200, option 1.
Advisory Council
The purpose of the Council is to advise Sourcewise and its Board of Directors about the needs of older adults and disabled persons in the county, to advocate on behalf of the most vulnerable and those of greatest need within the community, and to inform the community of resources and services available through Sourcewise.
The Advisory Council operates under the authority of the federal Older Americans Act and the state Older Californians Act. “The council shall carry out advisory functions which further the area agency’s mission of developing and coordinating community-based systems of services for all older persons in the planning and service area.” (CFR Sec. 1321.57(a))
Council members are actively involved in the development, implementation, and monitoring of the Area Plan, which assesses unmet needs and identifies service goals and objectives. Members are also included in the evaluation of applications for grants for services such as nutrition, legal aid, and adult day care.
Members are encouraged to actively engage with senior coordinating councils in their communities, as well as advocacy organizations, elected officials, and the general public for the purpose of increasing awareness of issues of concern to older adults and disabled persons.
Council members represent the diverse cultural and ethnic communities, areas of need, senior organizations, and cities and supervisor districts within the county. For each of the communities they represent, Council members report on events and needs within their communities and take back to their communities what they’ve learned through their Council participation. Members also serve on committees of the Council that advocate for specific needs, such as transportation, legislation, or health.
Attend an Upcoming Meeting
Advisory Council meetings are open to the public. At meetings, members discuss activities of the Council, exchange information about upcoming events, and learn about the latest programs and services of Sourcewise. Guest speakers inform members of current needs and issues facing older adults and disabled persons within the county.
Meetings occur 10 times a year, on the first Monday of the month, from 12 p.m. – 2 p.m. Meetings are currently being held virtually, via Zoom, until further notice.
Members of the Advisory Council, 2024 – 2025
Council members serve for a term of three years, beginning July 1st, and may renew for one additional term.
Represented Community or Appointing Body | Advisory Council Member |
African American Community | Ellen Rollins |
Asian American Community | Amruta Hendre |
At-Large | Gail Ann Osmer |
At-Large | Lydia Norcia |
At-Large | Shirley Loffer |
At-Large | Richard Adler, Secretary |
At-Large | Maureen Heath |
California Senior Legislature | Position Open |
Cities Association of Santa Clara County | Matthew Hudes |
City of Campbell | Position Open |
City of Cupertino | Jean Bedord |
City of Gilroy | Dyanne Hofstad |
City of Los Altos | Jayne Cohen |
City of Los Gatos | Richard Konrad |
City of Milpitas | Position Open |
City of Morgan Hill | Martha Artiles, Chair |
City of Mountain View | Position Open |
City of Palo Alto | Position Open |
City of San Jose | Position Open |
City of Santa Clara | Nancy Biagini |
City of Saratoga | Position Open |
City of Sunnyvale | Sandra DeLateur |
Disabilities Community | Position Open |
District 1 Supervisor | Position Open |
District 2 Supervisor | Sam Saiu |
District 3 Supervisor | Van Lan Truong |
District 4 Supervisor | Jane Locascio |
District 5 Supervisor | Position Open |
Family Caregiver Representative | Tom Picraux |
Federation of Retired Union Members | Gary McDowell |
Hispanic/Latino(a) Community | Liz Ayala, Vice-Chair |
LGBTQ+ Community | Gabrielle Antolovich |
Native American Community | Rose Amador |
Santa Clara County Nutrition Program | Trisha Lam |
Santa Clara County Public Health Department | Somayeh Bolourchi |