Get Started
Not sure where to begin? Use the Get Started guide as a gateway to learn about the different programs and services Sourcewise provides.
Dive in and read a few articles from our Quarterly Newsletter or stay informed on trending scams to protect yourself and your loved ones. Sourcewise participates in community events, join us by checking out our Event Calendar. Let’s get started.

Programs & Services
As a nonprofit, we provide a variety of supportive programs & services from Meals on Wheels; objective Medicare Counseling; caregiver case management, respite services, and more.

Our Grantees
Sourcewise administers an array of funding opportunities to support local community-based agencies to provide vital services in the community.

Impact on Santa Clara County
Sourcewise addresses the needs of adults 60+ and caregivers to help you age in place. Last year, we helped 103,394 residents in Santa Clara County. We encourage you to learn more about our values and community impact.

Sourcewise Area Plan on Aging
We develop a four-year local needs assessment that identifies Santa Clara County’s older adults, caregivers, and vulnerable communities’ trends and needs. We outline our strategic goals and objectives to respond to those needs. Read our Area Plan on Aging to learn more.

Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteer with Sourcewise and help seniors in our community. View all volunteer opportunities today.

Our Leadership
The Sourcewise leadership team is a diverse group of professionals committed to supporting our mission and community.

Board of Directors
Each member is dedicated to the development and growth of supportive services for older adults and caregivers in Santa Clara County. Our board brings a variety of expertise and experience to further support the Sourcewise mission.