Community Resource Specialists are available between 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. M-F at (408) 350-3200, option 1.
Multipurpose Senior Services Program
The Multipurpose Senior Services Program (MSSP). MSSP is designed to work with frail older adults 65 years or older who are at risk of nursing home placement. We focus on helping you to remain living safely at home by providing supportive services and ongoing case management to avoid premature institutionalization. We also provide you help as you are returning home after a hospitalization, a stay in a skilled nursing facility, or intermediate care facility.
Our Care Management team will work with you and your loved ones to assess your situation and develop an individualized plan of care that fits your social, physical, and economic needs.
Participants must meet eligibility requirements.
Who We Serve
To be eligible for the Multipurpose Senior Services Program at Sourcewise, you must meet the following criteria:
- Be 65 years of age or older
- Receive Medi-Cal benefits with no share-of-cost
- Be at risk of being placed in an institution (certifiable for care in a skilled nursing facility)
- Reside in Santa Clara County
Our care managers will help to identify problems that could put you at risk for being unable to remain safe in your home. We will assist you in finding viable and acceptable resources so that you have the tools you need to keep your situation stable and for you to remain living independently in your own home for as long as possible.
Our referrals come from professionals in the community as well as individuals like you. While a referral is not a guarantee that a case will be opened, at a minimum, you will have the benefit of a phone assessment of your situation and any information, assistance, and referrals recommended by our professional staff.
We are very fortunate to have a culturally diverse care management staff. When possible, we match clients with a care manager fluent in their native language. In cases where we do not have a care manager available who speaks in your native language, we will ask for the help of a family member or friend to aid in the communication process. This person will help us to ensure your needs are communicated and respected. If there is no English-speaking family member available to assist us, we have access to a translation service.
We have confidence in all of our care managers’ abilities to work with you and your family. The high level of skill and knowledge held by our care managers allows us to provide appropriate services to all of our clients from many cultures and languages.
Let’s Get Started
Our comprehensive case management services are provided by a team of professional care managers, including a social worker and a registered nurse.
Cases are opened and closed monthly. When the Care Management Supervisor reviews your referral, your case will be considered based on your needs and severity of your situation, and not in the order in which it is referred. We strive to open your case in a timely manner.
If initial eligibility requirements are met, a care manager and a nurse will schedule an in-person interview to assess current health and psychosocial needs.
The care manager and nurse will:
- Complete the in-person interview to get information about your health, medical care, support system, home safety and access to services/resources in the community
- Identify problems that could put you at risk or possibly jeopardize your ability to stay at home and help with viable solutions to allow you to continue to remain at home safely and comfortably
- Work with you, your, family and/or other caregivers and your physician to develop a plan of care which will help you remain safely at home for as long as possible
- Connect you with appropriate resources and services in the community and provide ongoing monitoring, coordination, and support to help you access those services to help you remain independently at home for as long as possible
- Create a partnership with you and those who help you and collaborate in your care management and continued wellness, while living independently in your home
- Manage care for as long as necessary to stabilize a situation and address primary issues identified in your assessment and addressed in your care plan
Not sure where to begin?
Contact the Multipurpose Senior Services Program (MSSP) at (408) 350-3226
For additional resources, contact our Community Resource Specialists at (408) 350-3200, option 1, or use the Contact Us form to email us.