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Home 5 Press Releases 5 Attend Sourcewise Community Education Presentations to Learn More About 2023 Medicare Updates 

Santa Clara, October 12, 2022: Medicare’s Annual Enrollment Period (AEP) runs every year from October 15 to December 7. The Sourcewise Health Insurance Counseling & Advocacy Program (HICAP) will launch its virtual presentation series called “Medicare’s 2022 Annual Enrollment Period and Updates for 2023”, both via Zoom and in person. HICAP provides one-on-one confidential, free, and unbiased counseling during the open enrollment period for individuals to change or modify Medicare insurance plans.

“The AEP is a chance for Medicare recipients to make sure they have access to their needed physicians, therapist, facilities, and medications for the upcoming year. They must evaluate what they pay for and what they gain or give up in return. Recipients may want the broader physician/provider choice of Original Medicare and a more affordable drug plan. Others may prefer Managed Medicare through an Advantage Plan and the extra benefits not found in Original Medicare. Monthly premiums, deductibles, and copays often change but rarely decrease. HICAP Counselors can help Medicare recipients navigate their Medicare arrangement to best suit their changing needs,” states Marcelo Espiritu, Director of HICAP.

During AEP, Medicare recipients should be aware of:

  • Medicare Prescription Drug Plan costs and formulary changes for 2023
  • Medicare Advantage Plan costs and benefits for 2023
  • Enrollment timing and rights to change plans, including the Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment from January through March each year

“HICAP Counselors assist individuals of all socioeconomic backgrounds. We [HICAP Counselors] also help individuals in the language they are comfortable speaking, either with one of our bilingual HICAP Counselors or with an interpreter over the phone”, Marcelo shares.

Visit the Sourcewise Online Event Calendar and register to attend one of the webinars. 

All year round, you can receive personalized Medicare counseling and community education services. HICAP Counselors help individuals, their families, and caregivers transition into Medicare and solve other health insurance issues that may occur throughout the year.


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