Mary Tinker has dedicated most of her career to serving older adults and persons with disabilities in a multitude of programs in the community for 38 years.
Newsletter Quarters
Become an Independent Care Provider Today
The In-Home Supportive Services Program helps pay for services provided to individuals to remain safely in their own home.
Access Local Emergency Food Programs and Support Services
Individuals who continue to limit travel and stay home are pivoting to navigate how they access resources in new ways through the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
Protect Yourself and Your Loved Ones from Disease
August is National Immunization Awareness Month, an annual observance to highlight the importance of vaccination for people of all ages.
Maintaining Relationships While Social Distancing
Relationships and socialization play a key role in maintaining a healthy qualify of life.
Sourcewise is Dedicated to Serving Santa Clara County
As the designated Area Agency on Aging for Santa Clara County, for the past 47 years, Sourcewise continues to take a leadership role in addressing issues important to seniors in Santa Clara County.
United States Census 2020: Shape Your Future
The United States Census Bureau is a federally appointed agency responsible for collecting information about Americans.
Become an AgeLab Volunteer Today
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) AgeLab is a multidisciplinary research program that works with business, government, and non-governmental organizations to improve the quality of life of older people and those who care for them.
Robert Gesinske’s Commitment to Seniors
Robert “Bob” Gesinske dedicated his time as a Sourcewise Advisory Council member for nearly five years.
San Jose Junior League Volunteer Recognition Luncheon
The Junior League of San Jose’s mission states, “It is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women, and to improving the community through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers.”