Summer 2024

The Importance of Hydration During Summer 

With the hottest days of the year upon us, hydration is of the upmost importance. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), people 65 years of age and older are among the groups most at risk for dehydration during the hot summer season. Dehydration can take...

Senior Nutrition Options in Santa Clara County

For many older adults in Santa Clara County (SCC), regularly consuming nutritious and balanced meals is not taken for granted. The aging process can come with gradual loss of physical mobility and autonomy and so formerly simple tasks like getting groceries, preparing...

Take a Break! Respite Care for the Family Caregiver

Being a family caregiver is demanding and selfless work. A family caregiver is someone who:  Cares for a family member or another individual (i.e. friend or neighbor)  Is an informal (unpaid) provider of in-home or community care to a care receiver  Is 18 years or...