Comforting routines and fun activities can help your aging loved ones at home stay upbeat. Make small changes to your everyday routine by finding new ways to stay engaged and get creative while staying safe at home.
Now is a time that you can take to help your loved ones take the first step to feeling healthier and happier. According to the
National Resource Center for Engaging Older Adults, caregivers can find ways around the home and keep up with hobbies like playing cards, exercise, and stretch, or draw a sketch for each other. Even if you do not consider yourself to be artistic, this is a chance for you and your loved ones to bond and try something new. In a 2019 article published by the
Journal of Applied Gerontology, findings in the study identified that combining both visual art activities and physical exercise may offer psychological, cognitive, and physical health benefits for people aged 50 years and older for those with different physiological and physical abilities.
Hearts & Minds Activity Center and
Live Oak Adult Day Services offer daily online sessions for caregivers and their loved ones from the comfort of their families home including live music, exercise, and other virtual fun. Additionally,
Hearts & Minds Activity Center is hosting a virtual, live event on Thursday, October 22. The event proceeds will help provide weekly virtual activities for persons living with dementia, support groups and education for caregivers, and daily intergenerational activities. You and your loved one can join the event from the comfort of your home.
To learn more about available programs and activities for you and your loved ones while sheltering-in-place, speak with a Community Resource Specialist: (408) 350-3200, option 1.