Community Resource Specialists are available between 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. M-F at (408) 350-3200, option 1.
Information & Awareness
Not sure where to begin?
The first step to getting the help you need is finding out what kind of help is available. The Sourcewise Information & Awareness program specializes in connecting you with the information and services you need, allowing you to understand the resources available to you and your loved ones.
At Sourcewise, our highly trained and professional Community Resource Specialists provide objective, unbiased referrals based on your unique situation.
The Sourcewise Information & Awareness program is committed to providing accurate and thorough information for resources available within Santa Clara County.
Our Community Resource Specialists are committed to helping individuals like you learn about the resources available within the community. Information & Awareness is available by phone at (408) 350-3200, option 1, and email Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., excluding national holidays. Professional interpreters are available Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Who We Serve
Community Resource Specialists are available to support all adults, families, and caregivers in Santa Clara County. We will provide you with the resources available and guide you through the lists of criteria, allowing you to make the best decision for you and your loved ones.
While our resources are specialized to help older adults and older persons with disabilities, we strive to support any individual (age 18+) who require assistance finding resources within Santa Clara County.
Invite Sourcewise to learn more
We welcome the opportunity to meet with your community or professional group to share more about who Sourcewise is and how our organization can support you. If you or someone you know is interested in hosting a Sourcewise presentation, complete the Contact Us form.
Let’s Get Started
When you call us, we will ask for your name, phone number, zip code, and age among other questions. This information allows us to find the best possible services for your unique needs.
Call Information & Awareness at (408) 350-3200, option 1, for information and referrals that meet your needs.
Find resources for you or your loved one
If you need resources for housing, transportation, financial assistance, legal services, end-of-life care, and support, or you are just unsure of where to begin, our resource directory offers a variety of different resources that a Community Resources Specialist can connect you to.
You may also utilize our Resource Connection to find services that may be available to you in Santa Clara County. Our Resource Connection is available 24/7 on our website.
If you or your loved one lives in another state, you can speak with one of our Community Resource Specialists to help you locate the Area Agency on Aging in the area your parents or loved ones live, as well as, anywhere in the nation. You can also contact Eldercare Locator at 1 (800) 677-1116 or visit eldercare.gov to help you locate the Area Agency on Aging.
Connecting you with other programs at Sourcewise
A Community Resource Specialist can also connect you with other programs at Sourcewise like Meals on Wheels, Senior Employment Services, Health Insurance Counseling & Advocacy Program, Caregivers Network, Care Management, and Public Authority Services.
After you receive your individualized referral list
To ensure we are providing you with quality referrals, we check in with you several weeks after providing the information. At that time, we ask you to provide us with feedback about the resources you were given. This information helps us to evaluate our referrals and to provide the best solutions for you.