Eating well and maintaining a balanced diet is important for everyone. As we age, proper nutrition becomes increasingly important for sustaining our health. However, maintaining proper nutrition as we age can be tough. Cooking for a smaller household provides challenges of its own, and the difficulty is compounded for those who live alone. Homebound seniors face the added complexity of limited mobility and the inability to get to the grocery store. The Council on Aging Silicon Valley can connect you with the services available in Santa Clara County that can help you get the nutritious meals you need; whether you are in need of delivered meals for a homebound senior or are looking to socialize over a shared meal with new friends.
For seniors age 60 and above who are unable to leave their homes, the Council on Aging Silicon Valley offers Meals on Wheels. Once a week, Meals on Wheels delivers 14 frozen meals, as well as juice, bread, milk and dessert items to your home. Microwave ovens may be available if needed, and some additional eligibility guidelines do apply.
For seniors looking to share a meal with friends, many local senior centers offer congregate meals. Congregate meals are nutritiously balanced meals served in a family style setting. Different senior centers have meals that cater to specific diets and cuisines. 
Other home-delivered meals and nutrition options for those with mobility and other health issues are available.
To locate a congregate meal site near you and to obtain more information about home-delivered meals, or for any other nutritional services available in Santa Clara County, please call Information and Assistance at (408) 350-3200, option 1. We are here to help you age well at home.