Providing Support to the Sandwich Generation

Apr 15, 2024 | Newsletter, Spring 2024

The term “sandwich generation” refers to young to middle-aged adults who are simultaneously raising children and supporting their aging parents. Typically, people in their 40s are most likely to fall in the sandwich generation. According to Mental Health America, about a quarter of U.S. adults (23%) are part of the sandwich generation. 

Raising children and caring for an aging parent separately can take a lot of time and energy on their own. If you are caught in the middle trying to do both simultaneously, it can feel impossible to make time for anything else. A few common stressors that sandwich-generation caregivers may face include little to no personal time, family conflict, and dealing with complex emotions.  

Some tips to provide support for the sandwich-generation caregiver:   

  • Do not be afraid or intimidated to ask for help whether it be from family, friends, or even your employer. 
  • Be realistic about what help you can provide; do not take on more duties than you can handle. 
  • Speaking to someone about what you are going through is often one of the best ways of healing. Remember, you are not alone. If you have siblings, reach out to them for assistance, or contact your local Area Agency on Aging (AAA) for assistance with finding caregiver support groups. 

Being a sandwich-generation caregiver can be exhausting, expensive, and emotional. Every caregiver and caregiving situation is unique. Learn how to manage this responsibility and take care of yourself, too.  

To learn more on how to manage your caregiving responsibilities and ensure you are prioritizing your well-being as a caregiver, speak with a Community Resource Specialist: (408) 350-3200, option 1.