After 40 years, the Council on Aging Silicon Valley’s name has been changed to Sourcewise. Our mission is to provide adults, their families and caregivers with the tools and services needed to effectively navigate their health and life options.

Sourcewise will continue to provide these services and, over time, will strive to meet the needs of all residents of Santa Clara County, whether by providing information or providing complex care plans and service coordination. At Sourcewise, individuals are the core focus, and we will provide alternatives to help them with their unique situations.

Federal and State funds offer “safety net” programs such as child care or public and mental health programs. Unfortunately, these services do not offer a holistic approach when working with persons with multiple needs. For example, an individual in need of Adult Day Care may need transportation, in-home support services, and relief support for their primary caregiver.

Sourcewise seeks to assist individuals with navigating what can be a very difficult maze of options. A “no wrong door” approach to finding and receiving care will allow individuals to enter the service delivery system at any point and have access to an array of available services.

As federal and state funding decreases, programs will have to become more adept at reaching out to new populations in need of care. To accomplish this, Sourcewise, along with key community agencies, will play an integral role in facilitating local service partnerships. Over the coming months you will hear more about the exciting delivery of new Sourcewise services that will make Santa Clara County a better place to live.