As the days grow longer, you may notice how many more hours of sunlight we get to appreciate. The longer days and beautiful weather mean that we have a great opportunity to spend time working in our gardens.

But, the good news doesn’t end there. According to Emily Main’s article, “Spring has Sprung”, available on, gardening also protects your mental and physical health.

1. Improve your satisfaction with life
Gardening has been found to increase quality of life and satisfaction. Texas A&M studies rated older adults’ quality of life and found that gardeners had significantly higher scores than non-gardeners.

2. Lower your osteoporosis risk
Gardening requires physical activity which can lead to weight loss, better physical health, and improved bone health. In a study of approximately 3,000 older women, researchers found that women involved in yard work and gardening had lower rates of osteoporosis.

3. Lower your diabetes risk
Gardening can help diabetes management because gardening requires physical activity, which can lead to lower diabetes rates and better diabetes management. Fruits and vegetables grown in a garden may promote healthy eating by offering fresh produce at your fingertips.

4. Get better sleep
The mental health benefits of gardening are so prevalent that a field of medicine called Horticultural Therapy has been developed to help people with psychiatric disorders cope with their conditions. Studies show that people with dementia and anxiety can successfully use gardening to lead to improved sleep patterns and sleep quality.

So, get out there and enjoy the sunshine! Gardening makes your environment more beautiful and improves your health too!