Community Resource Specialists are available between 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. M-F at (408) 350-3200, option 1.
Media Center
Sourcewise is resolute in its commitment to build partnerships that raise the visibility of older adults, clients, and their caregivers.
The Sourcewise Media Center is a resource hub that establishes greater communication and collaboration with our media partners.
- Subscribe to stay current with the latest news and press releases.
- Connect with our marketing experts for logo needs.
- Contact Public Relations for story developments and access to content experts.
We invite our media partners to connect with Sourcewise. Access the Sourcewise Media Center from any device to find newsworthy information, data, and milestones. Your partnership is important to us and to the community.
Aneliza Del Pinal
Chief Executive Officer
Learn more about our innovative spirit and longstanding history
Read our Media Kit that offers access to data on current community needs, services delivered, and the shifting landscape of Santa Clara County’s aging population. Gain immediate access to program timelines and connect with Sourcewise experts for direct quotes.
Sourcewise Logo & Branding
The Sourcewise Style Guide provides guidelines concerning messaging themes and visual identity (“logos”). Consistent use of Sourcewise branding make initiatives more effective by helping our audience understand how to become informed of our programs, who we support, and how we work within the communities of Santa Clara County.
Download Sourcewise Branding & Style Guide (.PDF – 1.5 MB)
Questions about the Sourcewise logo; visual identity elements; or the Sourcewise brand strategy can be directed to community@mysourcewise.com, subject “branding.”
Sourcewise is a registered trademark and reserves all rights.
Public Relations
Sourcewise recognizes matters important to our community members and strengthens public understanding of issues surrounding seniors and caregivers in Santa Clara County.
Relationships with community-based organizations, government representatives, businesses, and the media are crucial in our work to support the aging population, their families, and caregivers.
We collaborate with our partners to:
- Develop data driven narratives that feature Santa Clara County seniors, caregivers, and their families.
- Connect journalists to local, state, and national aging experts.
- Build a platform showcasing the vast contributions of our clients to the community at large.
- Showcase innovative Sourcewise programs and services.
Need data for an article? Interested in interviewing our program experts? Want to know more about our work? Contact Sourcewise at community@mysourcewise.com. We look forward to building a partnership with you.
Stay Connected
Sourcewise recognizes matters important to our community members and strengthens public understanding of issues surrounding seniors and caregivers in Santa Clara County. We look forward to sharing press releases, news, and updates from Sourcewise.

We value the acknowledgments we receive; we maintain the highest standard of excellence in service:
- We focus on people.
- We believe that individuals are integral assets to our communities.
- We respect individual rights, responsibilities, and diversity.
- We demonstrate innovative thinking and entrepreneurial spirit.
- We are thoughtful stewards of all resources.
- We are transparent.
- We believe that partnerships with stakeholders are essential.