“Steve’s contributions to the aging network have been invaluable and have ensured support for aging programs that serve the most vulnerable seniors.”
Newsletter Quarters
Spring 2019
Older Adults Provide Medicare Counseling to Thousands
Sourcewise extends deep gratitude to the dedicated Health Insurance Counseling & Advocacy Program (HICAP) volunteer counselors who give tirelessly of their time to serve their fellow community members.
Mukoyama: Local Voice for Santa Clara County’s Most Vulnerable
“The importance of collaboration among care organizations is crucial for those in need.”
Opal Hern, 96, Bowls with Senior League in Cupertino
At age 96, Opal Hern never misses a day of bowling with her team: the Swinging Seniors, where Opal is the eldest among her bowling mates.
Downsize and Declutter
Lillian, 54, currently resides in San Jose and is caring for her mother who lives with dementia.