Sourcewise, a nonprofit organization that supports adults and caregivers in Santa Clara County, received a $20,000 gift from Mercury News 2017 Wish Book readers.
Newsletter Quarters
Winter 2017
Caregivers Find Their Personal Support Networks
Fifty percent of caregivers indicate their loved ones needed 13–24 hours of daily assistance.
Virginia Montana, 65, Re-enters the Workforce
Unemployed for 10 years, Virginia was determined to rejoin the workforce and visited Work2Future in hopes of finding new job opportunities.
Make Smart Lifestyle Choices for Good Health
Your risk for heart disease may be genetically linked.
Sourcewise Transit Service Keeps South County Seniors Connected
Older adults who live alone or in rural parts of Santa Clara County face isolation and its detrimental health effects.
Social Security Benefits Increase with Cost of Living
For more than 66 million Americans, monthly Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits are increasing 2% in 2018, considered the highest increase in six years.